Exhibition space
Hamletsgade 6
2200 Copenhagen N


Masar Sohail and Benny Bee

12.01.23 - 21.01.23

Conceptual installation and works by Masar Sohail and Benny Bee



Scene 1

cast of characters: BENNY B & DINDY B 

An early afternoon in late autumn - Benny Bee 

visits Dindy Blaze in his studio in Copenhagen. 

Benny sits in a pink chair in front of painting 

while Dindy prepares the tea.

B E N N Y B 

My dearest friend, I have come to thee with a 


D I N D Y B 

Aye, I am listening. 

Dindy finds his finest crystal glass for his old 

friend and a package of sugar cubes in the 


B E N N Y B 

I know these people ( The tea kettle whistles 

impatiently)... I said, I knoweth of these people who 

would gladly host our work. Good, honest peeps.

D I N D Y B 

I could use the fuckin money, yo. The price of flour 

is up 6 danish øre.

B E N N Y B 

Aye. Does thou have Whatsapp?

D I N D Y B 


B E N N Y B 

I will send you my thoughts in a few days. But I was 

thinking the theme should be about the #Sacred and 

the #Profane. Perhaps in the place between the #Holy 

and the #Unholy - a mirror to how we both live our 


D I N D Y B 

Sounds good B! I fuckin love the autobio stuff.

B E N N Y B 

We have an agreement then?

D I N D Y B 



‘SACRO’ (2022) Masar Solhail, 200x260 cm, gold leaf and oil paint on canvas

‘PROFANO’ (2022) Benny Bee, 200x260 cm, gold leaf and enamel paint on canvas

‘ICON #1’ (2022) Benny Bee, 40x50 cm, gold leaf on canvas

‘Cathedral of dead ends’ (2022) Masar Sohail, 40x50 cm, gold leaf and oil paint on canvas

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